Despite having faced numerous setbacks, I have always kept going, carrying “Never Give Up, just try one more time” as my motto.
So how do you keep going when nothing seems to be working out for you?
Keep focused. Be positive. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have a good support network and actively seek out ways to help others. Be thankful for what you have, never compare yourself and most importantly, trust God and have faith.
How you measure success will determine your resiliency and ultimately, if you deem yourself to be a success or a failure. I’ve met some successful individuals along the way, who had become despondent because of comparisons made with peers.
It’s important to understand that each of us has a different race to run and will achieve milestones at diverse points. We can’t all be a Richard Branson or a Bill Gates.
It is prudent to look at the lot that you have been handed and what have you done with it. Yes…I may not have achieved my career objectives but I have made a positive impact in the community. Constantly comparing yourself and trying to impress others will yank the joy out of your own accomplishments.
In our quest for success, it’s the simple things we take for granted that really matters, like being a person of integrity, a good parent, a trusted friend…for these have become priceless attributes in our society today.
“Never Mind what others do, Do Better than Yourself, Beat your Own Record from Day to Day, And You are a Success” – William Boetcker
Life will throw curve balls at you and will attempt to break you down, nothing may happen exactly as you have planned. Just when you think things are starting to turn around, life may smack you back down, but don’t despair. You will get disappointed but don’t be discouraged. Life is a constant struggle with extreme lows and highs, that’s why, it’s crucial to always build on failure and use it as a stepping stone.
Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” – Denis Waitley
The Road to Success is quite bumpy and frankly curvy, so how do you keep going? It’s definitely about perspective, how you look at things. My formula is take things one step at a time. Have a clear road map, as with traveling any path, there will be turns, obstacles, and potholes, so you must anticipate them and adjust accordingly; keep moving forward.
Visualize the end result but don’t only focus on the destination, enjoy the journey. Make a conscious decision to be happy now. Speak positive affirmations. Be patient and don’t worry. Always let Perseverance, Determination, Courage and Hope be the fellows that accompany you on your journey.
So Keep trying, Keep reaching, Keep dreaming. You never know what’s around the corner. “Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn” Harriet Stowe.
Always Think Big and Never ever give up!
About the Author
Brigette Hyacinth is a Small Business Adjustor at ScotiaBank. She is a diligent self starter, continuous learner, avid networker, always seeking opportunities for growth and development and relishes a challenge.
One thing she firmly believes in is that in the midst of all our accomplishments, we should always find ways to give back to the society /community
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