(NC) Flying can be stressful for parents of young children. Kids are unpredictable, but fortunately, there are some easy ways to keep your children happy in-flight.
Like all Air Canada Rouge Crew, Malika Maturana was trained at the Disney Institute to create memorable moments for kids and their parents. Here, this mother of five offers her best tips as both a mom and someone who’s stepped in to help other parents mid-flight.
Speak calmly with them. Keep the kids happy and polite by talking to them at eye-level, explaining expectations and letting them know how long the flight will be so they don’t feel stuck in an unending unfamiliar experience.
Perfect packing. An iPad, washable markers, books, crayons and snacks are all great things to bring your carry-on. You’ll find the kids want to participate in the packing process if you make it fun and offer a lot of praise, reminding them how much they’re helping.
Tucker them out. Maturana makes sure to book an early morning flight, allowing her to exhaust the kids the night before and wake them up before they normally would. Once their head hits the seat rest, your child will be out for a nap in no time.
Take advantage of airline perks. Some airlines like Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge have programs that make travelling with kids just a little bit easier. Complimentary seating assignments that allow you to sit together with your child for no additional charge, a Skyriders club that comes with a welcome kit and printable badges, and family-friendly inflight entertainment are all ways Air Canada supports young travellers.
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